Shaw Island Winter Classic

Please join us for another great Winter Classic!!!
REVISED: 2025 Notice of Race and Sailing InstructionsResults   | See who has registered
Congrats to Miles Johannessen & Crew — First Overall Winners
Miles finished with an elapsed time of 3:22:41. First to finish was Nige Oswald & Makika in 3:02:22 taking second place overall corrected.
Miles: "The start was pretty light upwind and we were trading tacks with J/70'a lot. Once we got around the eastern point of Shaw it was a very light beam reach. We put out the code zero which helped us pull away from the J/70's. Then we had a nice ~8 knot run down San Juan channel with the Wolfe's close behind us and then a bit of a gap behind them.
We got to Wasp passage not too far in front of the Wolfe's. Makika had gotten through the pass tacking upwind ahead of us. I think they still had a bit of positive current and seemed to keep moving the whole time. We were able to ghost through wasp pass just barely keeping moving the whole time. We watched the Wolfe's behind us park up in the pass and then watched the rest of the fleet park up with them. I think the current turned against them right after we got through. We crossed the finish line in glassy conditions but managed to keep a bit of boatspeed the whole time.
Just like every Shaw race it seemed like the whole thing came down to Wasp pass. Before the pass, we felt we could easily make our time on Makika in front but were very concerned with the J/70's behind. By the time we left wasp pass the J/70's were way back and going backwards while Makika had pulled way ahead.
It was a fun race and didn't even rain on us once! We are hoping to be back this year but we will see how that unfolds."
Well that was a bummer. No finishers. Only the second time in 23 years. The lead boats tried to invent a halfway self-finish but nobaody was buying it.
Raku — Justin and Chris Wolfe take first overall.
"Frost on deck this morning: sunny, calm, cool, winds eventually fill in to 5-15NW.
17 boats on course, start at 1025. Reaching start, Set A-2 on port tack and tried to stay in breeze. Slowly worked our way in through Harney Channel with the J-70's. Makika, Raku and Elsewhere ahead.
Transition from Harney to Upright in very light air. Doused A2, rolled out #2, fore down, fisherman up; hot and sweaty.
Managed to stay close to Shaw and one of the first boats to catch a breeze from Indian Cove. Played tag with Riff until they found a hole and we slipped past. Only boats ahead are Makika and Raku.
Into San Juan Channel the breeze filled in nicely 10-12 NW. Doused Fisherman and back up with fore. Followed Raku to F.H. and back just north of Parks Bay. Elsewhere behind but closing. Rounded Neck Point and could see Raku and Makika far ahead, Elsewhere one tack behind.
Elsewhere passed us in Wasp Passage and was slightly to weather and we thought we would have to tack to clear Broken Point but somehow we managed to get a lift and squeak around. Once around we were able to free up and sail out from under Elsewhere enabling us to finish just ahead.
Sunny day, perfect conditions and delicious chili after in the clubhouse."
John & Ann Bailey First overall:
It was 43 degrees, overcast, broken clouds, gale westerlies predicted. 25 boats at the start. We are double handed as are 12 other boats, and 12 boats fully crewed. Flying #3, fore and main.
Start at 1015; no one in our area, clear air and right on line. Beam to close reach, Raku and 3 or 4 J-70's in front. Heading up Upright, wind freshens to mid 20's, Reefed main then dropped it when wind went over 26k. Beating around south end of Shaw, only Raku in front. Intuition and Sir Isaac trading tacks.
Heading up San Juan Channel wind dropped to high teens so back up with reefed main, Dark squall ahead and we are overpowered again, Raku to leeward pinching to make around Neck point. Entering Wasp Pass, back up to full main and we are just behind Raku.
Wind goes behind and we are wing and wing, Raku hoists A-spin and just take off. We hoist our small A spin and broad reach to finish 6 minutes +/- behind Raku, and second boat across the line. Super exciting!!
Chris White and the team of Crazy I's took home the win in this year's sporty conditions, followed by Chinook (Jimmy Roser) and Purple Martin (Betsy Wareham). This year's race also introduced a double-handed category, won by 2019's overall winners Shearwater.

The team of Shearwater winners of the overall race this year. Owners Chris and Justin are holding the perpetual trophy and wearing big smiles. For the win they sailed around the north side of Bell Island — everyone knows that never works.
This year's race proved once again that discretion is the better part of valor. Shortly after rounding the east end of Shaw the winds jumped with gusts up to 35kts. Many of the smaller boats with smarter sailors took the shortest way back to the barn. Ken Machtley's crew aboard Treachery fought on and after the boat's mast came down reported having regrets. Only one skipper had the cahoonas to hoist a spinnaker and it didn't help apparently looking at the results. On a positive note Stephanie stayed on her boat and out of the drink for like the third year in a row. Congratulations to the courageous winners Jimmy Roser in Div I and Steph & Andy Schwenk in Div II.
The 2017 race was the only one in the history of the Winter Shaw where every boat failed to finished. DRAT!
The race started at 11:45AM and the last boat to finish crossed the line shortly before 3PM. There was pretty good wind for the even and not much rain even though rain was in the forecast and the day was pretty much dark and overcast. Wasp Passage played it's usual shifty games but it wasn't particularly nasty this year. Most boats got through in good shape. At 26 boats it was one of the bigger fleets for this event and we thank everyone who came to sail with us. The party at the Orcas Hotel was great. Thanks Doug for the great food and trophies.
Stephanie and Andy Schwenk aboard Wild Rumpus won the Santa Cruz DIV and was 1st overall. Ian Wareham won the PHRF-A DIV sailing Time Bandit and his sister Betsy won the PHRF-B DIV on her new ride Purple Martin.

Nineteen valiant teams came, there was wind, they started, they had fun, they finished, they partied, and they went home. Nothing more is known about the 2015 race except that Stephanie didn't win and skippers Jimmy Roser, Alexia Fisher, & Gavin Brackett did!
2015 ResultsThe 2014 race was another fast one!
2014 Results
Race Summary by Eric Moulton
There seems to be a sweet spot for some good early season sailing weather around mid - winter break and President's weekend. What separates the winter Shaw Island race and the summer one, besides the former being run by Orcas Island Yacht Club, is the noticeable lack of pleasure boats moving about this beautiful archipelago.
The Winter Shaw Classic provided the opportunity for 17 boats and their crews to get out there and really enjoy the islands to themselves. Another advantage to having a race in the winter is the prevelence of steady winds. This year like the year before did not disappoint. The wind found its sweet spot in the south and southeast direction, and with the coolish air, it stayed close to the surface and held for the duration of the race, even found its way into the often flat calm Wasp Passage.
The sun had just enough strength to burn through a thin cloud layer midday. The race this year was divided into two divisions, light and heavy. The two larger boats - Time Bandit and Ptolemy - got clear of the pack early and continued to sail their own race around the island. TB corrected out mid fleet at the finish and Ptolemy who happily finishing second sank well down the pack on corrected time. We dred those ankle bitters
The real drama came in, what they call a peloton in bike racing, the main pack of boats. In this tightly packed group the Santa Cruz 27s made up a good number of the boats. The flat water and nice reaching and running conditions were to their liking. This group was led by the Schwenk's and the crew of Wild Rumpus. But being the first into Wasp passage was not the advantageous position often and they suffered this handicap. The lead changed a couple of times in this group as boats made their way through the tight passage, with the tide this year. The struggle to be the first to exit in clear air around Broken Neck Point on Shaw usually gets a clear shot at the finish, a little over a mile away. This was very skillfully done by Blackfoot, and a resurgent Wild Rumpus. Much to the slight shift of the southeast to the south at the finish allowed These lead boats to solidify 1st and 2nd overall.
However, due to the near ideal sailing conditions several other boats put in good performances, as well, some strong enough to challenge the well sailed Santa Cruzs. The eventual Heavy division winner, Chinook, with local guru Chris White, sailed a clean and consistent race to place well in the overall standings.
There were two wood boats who may have used there displacement to help thrust themselves through the Wasp Passage making up for the nimble jibing in and out of the tide lines in San Juan Channel, that the smaller and more nimble boats were able to finesse. The family built, maintained, and sailed Fiona by the well known Orcas Island sailing Brackett family nearly knocked Chinook of the top of the podium. This made for a formidable pair of boats for the beautiful and very well sailed, recently rebuilt International One Design, Prophet to get around. Prophet had a great day and sailed and their way into respectable overall position. All and all it was a great day of sailing in our world famous cruising grounds!
If next year there are any boats looking for some good fun and wind in and around Orcas And Shaw Islands please come and join us. The Orcas Hotel put on a great awards dinner and the West Sound Marina opened it guest dock and hospitality for all participants.
The 2012 race was a fast one!
Santa Cruz 27 Fleet Results PHRF Fleet Results
Video from the Shaw Island Winter Race 2012:
LINK: Excuse me but I broached my boat again!Blackfoot, Fiona, and Little Blue Dune Buggy — 2011 divisional winners
This 2011 race was a lot of fun. The day was cold but sunny. Shortly after the ferry delayed start there was a wind hole that everyone piled into leading to an early restart.
Then on the North East side of Shaw a big gust blew in from the West and broached nearly every boat (as far as this observers limited visibility goes considering I
was hanging from rigging to keep from going overboard at the time). Bart broke his pole! From there on things got less
crazy and the sailing was great. There was a North Easterly in Upright Channel and it was a hard reach for a spinnaker. Crazy Ivan tried to carry
the kite when everyone else gave up; sometimes it worked and sometimes not.
Once into the San Juan Channel the wind was on the nose
- a northerly - at about 20 knots. It was three tacks to Wasp Passage where the wind changing from DEAD to 15 knots depending on the moment. Once past
Bell Island it was a close reach to the finish line with steady pressure. By then the temperature was up and the sun was totally out with cobalt blue skies —
a great day to be on a sail boat with friends. After the race the party at the Orcas Hotel was wonderful too. All 8 trophy winners were there to pick
up their pickle-dishs (or pigs head) an uncommon level of participation for the after race part. Nice party and Kelly Toombs did a great job as the Master of Ceremonies.
Thanks go out to Jim McCorison, Julie Brackett, and Barb Brunius who performed the race committee chores.
Blackfoot, Fiona, and Little Blue Dune Buggy were
the divisional winners; Little Blue Dune Buggy was first overall and second in the longest name contest; while Ptolemy was first to finish.